International Exchange

We send students to our partner universities under the Student Exchange agreement. Some students receive "Student Exchange Support Program" scholarships offered by the Japan Student Service Organization (JASSO), and some students study abroad by paying their own expenses.
We have "University to University" exchange agreements with 31 schools and "Faculty/Institute to Faculty/Institute" exchange agreements with 24 schools (as of May 2014). The credits which students receive during their study abroad can be transfered to Utsunomiya University if certain conditions are met.
Memorandums of the Double Degree program were also concluded with the University of Eastern Finland and the University College Dublin. Under the Double Degree program, students can obtain degrees from both Utsunomiya University and the partner university upon satisfying the graduation requirements of both degrees.
Raising global human resources is our major mission. We back up students who work in overseas offices of Japanese companes as international interns.

Masuyama Scholarship

The Masuyama Scholarship of Utsunomiya University Foundation supports international students who are facing financial difficulties.
The Masuyama Scholarship is funded by personal donations and is aimed at international students of Utsunomiya University to promote a close relationship between Japan and foreign countries.

International Students in Utsunomiya University

Currently, there are 263 international students (including Japanese government scholarship students, foreign government sponsored students, self-supporting students, and exchange students) from 27 countries and regions studying at Utsunomiya University and 95% of the international students are from Asian countries (May 2014). The exchange students belong to their home university which has an exchange agreement with Utsunomiya University. They study at Utsunomiya University as Special Auditors for a year.